Photovoltaic power plants are an ideal solution for reducing energy costs.

When municipalities and towns install photovoltaic panels, they reduce their electricity costs on municipal buildings while reducing their dependence on electricity suppliers. The money you save can then be used to further develop your village or town.

Why choose photovoltaics for your city or municipality?

  • reduction of energy costs
  • promoting sustainability and environmental protection
  • funding and subsidy opportunities
  • degree of independence
We offer you a customized and turnkey photovoltaic system for your community. We can handle any roof. With our help and the grant, the municipality will save considerable energy costs. Simple and hassle-free. Are you interested in PV for your village?
  • Small municipalities (up to 3000 inhabitants) – up to 75% subsidy
  • Larger municipalities (over 3000 inhabitants) – 40-60 % subsidy
*Applications will be accepted from 17.8.2022 until 29. 9. 2023 and the implementation of the projects must be completed no later than three years after the signing of the Decision of the Minister of the Environment.
Need more information? Contact us.