Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


New Green Savings is the most effective and longest-lasting subsidy programme for energy savings in family and apartment buildings. The core of the New Green Savings Programme is the reduction of energy consumption of residential buildings, i.e. the renovation and construction of low-energy family and apartment buildings. However, there is an increasing emphasis on the use of renewable energy sources. The basic portfolio of support is complemented by measures aimed at preparing buildings for ongoing climate change and motivating the public to implement energy-saving measures.

2. What are the changes in the New Green Savings Programme as of 1. 9. 2023?

After a short operational and technical break during the summer holidays, the new Green Savings Scheme will run under almost the same conditions as the current phase. The aim of the changes in the programme is to make subsidies more accessible to other groups of applicants, especially in the area of residential buildings. Applicants from economically and socially vulnerable areas will enjoy a 10% increase in subsidies. The incentive bonus of CZK 10,000 for each combination remains unchanged.


Are you planning a more complex reconstruction including the installation of a photovoltaic power plant? In the Repair Grandma’s House program, subsidies for replacing appliances can only be used in combination with insulation. From 2024 onwards, it will be possible to obtain a favourable loan from building societies in addition to the subsidy.

*The subsidy can be applied to buildings with a building permit application date of 1. 7. 2013.


The New Green Savings state subsidy for the purchase of photovoltaic power plants is intended for all citizens, owners of family and apartment houses from all over the Czech Republic. People who permanently live in holiday homes can also apply if they can prove that they have been using the property for permanent residence for at least two years. Subsidies may be applied for by purchasers of single-family houses or apartment buildings, persons who hold the right to build, and apartment building unit owners’ associations or authorized unit owners. Applicants can be owners of both completed buildings and new buildings under construction. However, for new buildings, the condition for approval of the subsidy is the approval of the building permit, which must be submitted within 9 months of the application for the subsidy.

Our proposed PV plants are always implemented in accordance with the conditions of the subsidy call. We will handle the administrative part of the grant application for you.

The New Green Savings Grant Programme is valid for the period 2021 – 2025.


Basic installation of 2 kWp with standard inverter – 40 000 CZK
Basic installation of 2 kWp with hybrid inverter – 60 000 CZK
Basic installation of 2 kWp with efficient use of heat pump – 100 000 CZK
For each additional 1 kWp of installed capacity – CZK 8,000
For 1 kWh of electric storage system – 8 000 CZK
+ 10 % for applicants from economically and socially disadvantaged areas
+ up to 50.000 CZK for residents of Hodonín


Applications can be submitted until 30. June 2025 until 15:00 or until the allocation is exhausted. You must also provide documentation on the implementation of the project by this date.


It is possible, but it is necessary to justify why the panels cannot be placed on the applicant’s building and to document the consent of the owner of the building on which the panels will be placed, for the entire period of sustainability, i.e. 10 years.


The photovoltaic system must be located on a house, other structure serving a complementary function to the house, or other special structure adapted so as not to restrict the growth of vegetation and its maintenance.

8. Can apartment buildings owned by unit owners’ associations and housing cooperatives apply for subsidies?

Who can apply?

  • community of unit owners
  • housing cooperative

Subsidies can be claimed for the installation of a photovoltaic system connected to the internal electricity distribution and distribution system. The energy produced can be used for common areas, residential parts of the house or in the local energy community. The grant can also be used for listed buildings.

9. Can public administration, municipalities, contributory organisations also apply for subsidies?

Yes, these are subsidies for apartment buildings owned by municipalities, regions, contributory organisations, public administration, schools, foundations…

Who can apply?

  • municipalities, voluntary associations
  • urban districts, contributory organisations
  • public institutions, schools
  • foundations, institutes, associations

Subsidies can be claimed for the installation of a photovoltaic system connected to the internal electricity distribution and distribution system. The energy produced can be used for common areas, residential parts of the house or in the local energy community. The grant can also be used for listed buildings.

10. How long does it take to implement a power plant?

The overall length of the process is mainly influenced by the administration, which is in the order of several weeks to months. We will, however, keep you updated on what we are working on at all times. The installation of the plant itself is very quick and easy. It ranges roughly from 2 to 5 days in length, always on a pre-agreed date.

11. What is the lifetime of the panels? How long will the plant produce for me?

The photovoltaic panels supplied by us are guaranteed for 25 years and should not fall below 80% efficiency. But the PV panel itself lasts much longer. The lifetime of the plant is around 30 years.

12. Are the panels resistant to adverse conditions?

Of course, photovoltaic panels are manufactured and tested to withstand harsh natural conditions such as hail. PV panels are thus equipped with special tempered glass. However, it is possible to insure not only the damage to the panels but also other risks associated with the operation of the photovoltaic power plant. These are e.g. damage caused by windstorm, fire, lightning, theft, etc.

13. Do the panels need to be maintained?

Photovoltaic panels are naturally washed by rain, so there is no need for special cleaning. With long-term dustiness, production losses are only minimal. Similarly, in winter, the snow will not stay on the panels for very long in most cases because the surface is smooth and the snow will slide off easily. However, if the panels are installed flat, then they lose their self-cleaning ability and need to be maintained as needed.

14. Is it safe to install panels on the roof?

Today, a photovoltaic power plant can be safely installed on all types of roofing. It is also possible to install the panels on both pitched and flat roofs. Depending on the type of roof or roofing material, a special fixing system is selected. Most often, the panels on a pitched roof are anchored into the roof beams.

15. How is the optimum power plant output selected? How does the orientation of the roof affect it?

Several factors influence the selection of the appropriate PV plant capacity. Most important are the technical possibilities of the roof and the amount of energy consumption in the home. The ideal orientation of the roof is of course to the south, but even with a slight deviation to the east or west, the power loss is minimal. For higher household energy consumption, it is then advisable to use the energy storage in batteries with a lifetime of more than 6,000 charges.

16. What happens to the power plant when the grid goes down?

The photovoltaic plant accumulates the energy produced either for heating hot water or to store the excess energy in batteries. If the power plant is running and its energy is being used, then both systems are independent of the electricity from the grid and work even if the grid is down. With a system that uses batteries, it is possible to operate even if the mains power fails for a period of time before you run out of battery power.

17. Do I need to replace the existing boiler when I accumulate anergies in the water?

When installing a PV plant with energy storage in water, the existing hot water storage tank does not need to be changed in the vast majority of cases. However, it should be an electric or combination boiler. The volume of the boiler is also important. According to the conditions of the New Green Savings subsidy, the water volume per installed 1 kWp must be 80 l. The volume of the boiler must be greater than 125 l.

18. What is a hybrid photovoltaic power plant?

The hybrid photovoltaic system uses the aforementioned energy storage in batteries. It is thus made up of photovoltaic panels and an inverter that converts the electricity produced into electricity suitable for consumption. And unused energy is stored in battery storage containing high-end gel batteries that last up to 6,000 charges. In the implementation of PV plants we mostly use three-phase hybrid voltage inverters of GoodWe brand and powerful high-voltage, modular batteries Pylontech, with which we have the best experience.

19. What is the difference between a photovoltaic power plant and solar panels?

A photovoltaic power plant produces electricity from sunlight falling on two panels located on the roof of the building.

Solar panels do not produce electricity, they are only used to heat water.

20. What is the purpose of photovoltaics?

Photovoltaics is a system of rooftop panels that produce electricity using sunlight energy. The energy produced either acts immediately as a resource for the functioning of the household or is stored in a battery and used later when the sun is not shining.

21. What does turnkey photovoltaics mean?

Turnkey photovoltaics is the complete security of the entire system from the material itself and components to assembly and its function.

22. How do photovoltaic panels work?

They produce direct current depending on the intensity and angle of illumination – solar radiation.

23. What do I need, what parameters, to determine the price for turnkey photovoltaics?

For a quotation, the size of the installation, the choice of network or hybrid inverters, type and size of battery storage, roof type and distribution area.

We will be happy to provide you with the most suitable solution after you submit a more detailed questionnaire: click to the questionnaire.