PVS PLUS expands portfolio with home chargers

Electric car owners have several options for charging their car. The easiest one is charging electric car at home. It is just an emergency charging and a classic 230V socket and cable is sufficient. Simply put, you charge your electric car at home via a conventional power socket. It is, however, time-consuming and the most costly solution.

The second option is publicly available charging stands at petrol stations, shopping centres, and centres, public car parks. For this type of charging, however, it is necessary to plan in advance a suitable time and place to make practical use of the waiting time during charging.

For comfortable use of the electric car, the third option is the ideal choice, which is the home electric charger, so called. wallbox. So you can charge your electric car in the comfort of your own home and at, that suits you. It is the safest, fastest and cheapest way to charge. Home Charging via a wallbox can be up to half the cost of publicly available charging racks. Wallboxes are installed on the wall of the house or garage, on their own circuit breaker and circuit. Home electric charger has a number of protection functions, control mechanisms, display of statistics or consumption. If you decide to install a wallbox in your family home, all the necessary tasks in the pre-preparation phase, the PV SERVICE PLUS team will be happy to explain and prepare you.

If you are the owner of a photovoltaic power plant, you have the ideal combination and can charge your electric car free during the day and sunlight. When legalizing a wallbox, it is necessary to take into account a possible change electricity tariff and consider it well.

PV SERVICE Plus’ range of quality home chargers can be found here.

If you are interested in a consultation, inspection and offer, do not hesitate to contact us.