Photovoltaic power plants for companies


Photovoltaic power plants for companies

We’re not new!
15 years on the PV market

A reputable company – a stable and reliable partner for your corporate PV system!
With power from 11 kW

The size of the photovoltaic plant is not decisive for us. We have experience with implementations up to tens of MW – megaWatts. There is no upper limit to our performance.

We install photovoltaic power plants:
  • ground
  • on objects
  • on buildings (roofs, facades, railings)
  • parking lot overlay
Roof types:
  • oblique
  • saddle
  • flat
  • with an inclination of up to 4°

All company photovoltaic power plants are planned individually and tailor-made. The actual implementation is preceded by an analysis of the building, a design according to the type of roof and its structure, the method and possibilities of connection, and a consumption analysis. We will present all installation options to the client, focusing on:

  • maximum possible installation size
  • the fastest possible return on investment
  • variant with/without network overflows
  • maximum level of self-sufficiency
  • maximum online consumption rate
What does PV SERVICE PLUS offer with the implementation of a company photovoltaic power plant?
  • analysis of your operation’s power consumption, comprehensive analysis of the PV installation site and design of a tailor-made solution
  • reduction in the amount of electricity purchased
  • a battery backup, which is also suitable for ensuring that the MRK (maximum reserved capacity) is not exceeded, thus saving considerable money in penalties for exceeding it, combined with possible energy storage for later consumption
  • online monitoring – you always have control of your power consumption/production from anywhere in the world
  • guaranteed lifetime of at least 30 years, which is 3 to 6 times the return on investment
  • Increase your company’s credibility in the market and in the supply and customer chain >> ecological and green company
  • many years of experience with installations in CZ, SR, RO as well as with subsequent operation, monitoring and service
  • the latest software for designing your customized PV plant
  • complete service – from the design of the solution, through the processing of documents and permits to the actual implementation and legalization, including subsequent warranty and post-warranty service
  • quality and time-tested brands and components
  • many years of experience with the installation of such devices
Want to know more? Contact us. We will be happy to prepare a tailor-made offer for your company.

Photovoltaic power plants also for companies
